Monday, October 25, 2010

OTC: Camden's Wall Art

My kid's rooms are in a state of semi finished. I painted them and the furniture is in, but accessories and wall art are something that I'm working on piece by piece as I find things that I like.

So when a friend of mine asked me if I wanted these I was excited because I knew I could use them for Camden's room.

The original look.

After I peeled the stickers off.

A little scrapbooking paper, glue stick and homemade mod podge later.


Hanging on the wall above his dresser.

I love them because they add a pop of color to his room and were ridiculously on the cheaps! Just how cheap you ask?

3-d pictures: Free from a friend
Scrapbooking paper: 4 pieces for $4 from AC Moore.
Mod Podge: Homemade with elmer's glue I had on hand and water

$4 and about an hour of my time for two pieces of custom wall art! It's going to be hard for me to beat that as I finish the rest of his room.


  1. You are totally awesome! I love your projects! SO MANY FUN IDEAS!!! THANKS!!! I love homemade & cheap! Your just so so so fun!

  2. Those are cute! I could do a JD one for asher and for elijah...hmm. Do they make Thomas Edison scrap paper?


Thanks for leaving us some love!