Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Out With The Old, In With The New

You may have noticed that I changed the blog.

It was a little bit sad for me because it's just another marker of the end of Riley's sweet babyhood. I started Parents to a Princess three years ago as a way to keep family and friends updated on our little princess as she grew.

My how she has grown and during that time we also welcomed our sweet baby boy to complete our family of four. It was definitely time to give him some cred on the blog.

I've been meaning to update for a while but I couldn't come up with a new blog name that I liked. There were several ideas that I thought were okay, and then one night two weeks ago I was driving home from a late night at the gym and Brad Paisley's song Little Moments came on. The song is about his wife, but I felt like the sentiment was perfect for our life and blog . Because right now it is all about the little moments in our life that I just don't want to forget.

So welcome to the new blog! I'll still be making changes until it's entirely updated, with the family bios up next on my list.

And just so I can remember here's one last look at where this all began...


  1. Love the new header! I understand the sadness of saying goodbye to her babyhood though.

  2. It looks great, and I love the new header! I was really confused when the new blog name popped into my blog reader, but I like it!
    I'm going to have to change things around this summer, too. ;)

  3. I love the new blog name! It is such a celebration of your amazing accomplishments! Riley and Camden are such blessings.

  4. Hi Lindsay! I saw your blog via Kathryn's - you have such a beautiful family and neat blog! I hope that you're doing well!

    Take care,


Thanks for leaving us some love!