Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Original Daddy's Girl

I am a Daddy's girl. He's my hero and mentor and I just can't imagine where I'd be today without him. So imagine the goosebumps it gives me to know that my daughter loves my Daddy just as much as I do.

She kept asking him to "come wid me" and she would take his hand to walk with him and show him "dirdies" and "tees".

When he was here taking care of me post c-section he would get her up in the morning and they would watch Care Bears together on the couch while Cam and I slept in. It broke my heart when he left because she was napping and when she woke up she came out to the living room and said "Where my gampdee?"


  1. Love everything about this post!!!

  2. i could pick your dad's calfs out in a line up. seriously, I haven't forgotten them. They're awesome! :o) Love the pics.


Thanks for leaving us some love!