Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Why don't you let her walk?

I had a surreal moment today. My little family was at the local grocery store. My adorable hubby was carrying the basket and I was carrying the princess. About halfway through the store I was tuckered from carrying her, even though she was holding perfectly still she's a big girl now and my arms were tired. Hubby looked at me and said, "Why don't you let her walk?"

Truthfully, the thought never occurred to me. Honestly, it never occurred to me because I'm still getting used to the idea of the princess being a big girl. Seriously, she can walk very well now. So I put her down...and watched her toddle her way throughout the store gleefully enjoying her new found independence.

I walked a pace behind to make sure she didn't topple on the hard floor or take out a display, but she didn't need me to. It was then that I realized that she will need me a little less every day and that I'll have to let go a little more every day.

While my arms were most happy for the break, it was a little emotional (it is me after all) and after 10 months of carrying her I didn't quite know what to do with empty arms. Should I fold them across my chest? Should I stick my hands in my pockets? Should I hold them up under my chin ala Ricky Bobby? Luckily, Riley saved me from myself and she grabbed onto my hand as we were leaving and we walked hand in hand out of the store side by side. :)


  1. awww...I can't believe she's walking that much! WOW!

  2. That's so awesome that she is walking! I know what you mean about our babies being too heavy to carry. I made that mistake when I carried Audrey into Target the other day! I had to set her down twice just to give my arms a break.

  3. I miss you guys, and seriously I can't believe she is mobile now! I can't wait to catch up again - are you guys around this week?


Thanks for leaving us some love!