We threw Camden's party a week after
his actual birthday which just happened to be on Cinco De Mayo.
It was the perfect cause for a celebration! Originally, I was dreaming up a Shrek themed party (complete with a homemade donkey piƱata) since he's been obsessed with Shrek 1-4 the past month. I even bought all green, orange, and brown party things and made Shrek invitations.
Then I realized the guest of honor could care less about the decor and made the choice to simplify. Since I already had the supplies I stuck with the Shrek color scheme. I made a sign for the front door using left over foam board from my butterfly display, some green kids paint, and my trusty sharpies. We were in the backyard so we had to let our guests know they could come in and on thru to the back.
I borrowed a table from a friend and set up all the food in the backyard.
I used my mason jars and $1 containers from Walmart for everything. I stuffed the masons with tissue paper I got on clearance at Target for $.28. I made the labels at home using orange card stock and homemade baker's twine (just used some thread and an orange sharpie to make the lines).
We had chicken nuggets, fruit skewers,
party popcorn (recipe on the blog soon!), and Twizzlers for the kids. We had Chipotle burritos, chips, salsa, guac and of course Coronas with lime for all the adults. I bought $1 bubble sticks and green apple lollipops for all the kids as party favors and tied them up with more homemade twine and thank you tags.
Our bubble blower and water guns added some fun!
Just in case the
moon bounce we rented wasn't enough fun.
Riley and Camden got the first turn. They were red faced and giggling within minutes.
TG got in there too because he just couldn't resist Camden's sweet (and repeated) requests of "Come on, Daddy! Come on!"
Soon our guests arrived! We all got to hang out and eat while the kids bounced and ran around the backyard. It was nice to relax, even if we didn't have exactly enough adult chairs and Uncle J had to sit in a purple kids chair.
Instead of cake we opted for pre-scooped (genius Pinterest idea) orange sherbet ice cream cones with green sprinkles. We put candles in Cam's and sang "Happy Birthday". The cool treat was just perfect for the warm day.
As usual any type of
birthday entertainment is unnecessary when TG is around. At one point he was scaring our kids by running up to the bounce house and growling. Soon everyone wanted in on the fun.
This time he took them all by surprise with squirt guns!
There was a little more prep work involved with having the party at our home, but since it was outside clean up was a breeze and we were able to hang out for as long as we wanted. At 2:15 Camden actually put his lollipop down on the ground, walked in the house and said, "I go night night?" TG was able to put him to bed and watch the Caps game inside while my friends and I drank Coronas and chatted in the backyard with the remaining party goers. Does it get any easier than that?
Just a little over two years ago, when Riley turned two, we didn't even own a home. Now we have a place to call our own and celebrate the birthdays of our sweet babies. We feel so blessed and couldn't be more thankful for such a wonderful day for our little man.