Sunday, December 5, 2010

Gobble, Gobble, Cough!

Thanksgiving 2010 didn't turn out quite as we had hoped.

Because our county furloughed it's teachers this year we had an entire week vacation. We had been counting down to this for a few months and were just waiting to get some rest, fun times with family, and delicious turkey. At least we got the delicious turkey.

The trip started off well. We made it safely to Gigi and Papa's house in record time - there was hardly any traffic on 95 at all which means either we hit the traffic jackpot or everyone flew for Thanksgiving this year.

Sunday we visited with the family and hung out at the house.

Monday, Riley's nose started running. No bigs. I mean most of you with kids know a constant runny nose can be the norm this time of year.

Tuesday, Riley's voice was hoarse. It was so bad it seemed like borderline laryngitis. When she tried to talk at her usual octave she couldn't. Camden's nose started running. Uh oh.

Wednesday, Riley woke up with a slight temp. Again, not a big deal. She seemed a little run down so we took it easy and went on our family date to see Tangled. Camden's voice went hoarse.

Wednesday night, I sat up in my bed at 2:30 am. I'm not sure what woke me, it might have been her, but I didn't hear anything. I went to the bathroom and went to check on her (we are in a jack and jill at Gigis and Papas). When I got to her bed she started hollering some mumbo jumbo about a scary cat in her room. I went to hug her to calm her down and realized that she was burning up and soaked in sweat. I spent the next two hours with her wiggling beside me in bed waiting for the motrin to kick in and bring that fever down to a tolerable range.

By Thanksgiving day she was a mess and Camden was too. Both of them had high fevers, nasty coughs, and hoarse little voices. We made the decision to take them to an emergency center. Where they insisted on taking a rectal temp for Riley. While I was holding her. Causing her to pee all down my leg and onto my shoe. And not a little bit. It just kept coming. When she finally stopped the nurse said, "Well, at least we know she's hydrated."

Camden was a dream at the doctor and only fussed when his older sister was screaming her face off, which was every time a nurse even tried to come into our room. They diagnosed Riley with a virus and an ear infection. They took chest x-rays of Cam and then diagnosed him with just the virus.

We spent the rest of turkey day in bed. I felt so terribe because Gigi had worked hard all day to make a meal that was absolutely delicious. Matt and I barely managed to get out of our pjs for dinner and kept having to rotate away from the table to check on Riley and to make sure Camden was still sleeping.

Riley, despite her illness, kept referring to it as "the best day e-ber Mommy" due in large part to the fact that she got her first experience eating in bed off of a dinner tray, unlimited movies and lots of attention.

Camden merely slept his face off on a combo of motrin, tylenol, benadryl and a cool mist humidifier.

So I guess from the kids' point of view Thanksgiving 2010 was a success!

Now that I'm typing this it's been almost a week and they are finally feeling a little better. Here's the few pics that I got of our trip.

Riley hanging out at the craft table Gigi set up for her.

She loved that it was a little table full of things for her to do.

A freshly washed chubbers in a fluffy white towel. Love it.

Modeling the new bunny slippers Gigi got for her.


Thanks for leaving us some love!