Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday Tidbits

Riley has started counting this week and by that I mean she is saying the number in the correct order 1-3. She almost has 1-5, but she keeps skipping four before yelling "FIVE!" with a flourish.

She has become obsessed with showing the world her shoes. She will walk up to complete strangers and say "See?" balancing herself on one foot to lift up the other. She will continue to say see until they acknowledge that they did in fact see her little shoes.

Her speech gets better each day and yesterday she found a little flashlight toy that her Aunt Brenda had given her on our trip to Gigi and Papa's a few weeks ago. She came running over to Matt with it turned on waving it and said, "Daddy, see, see? 'Fashyight' "

Just now she found the camera on the counter (sans battery as it's busy charging) and just yelled "Mama, see? CHEESE!" while she held it up to her face.

We're desperately trying to avoid the swine flu by putting antibacterial gel on our hands after we touch things in public or visit the park and especially before we eat anything. She's gotten to the point that when we leave the park she actually will hold out her hands and say "Mama, rub?"

Her favorite tv show is still Mickey Mouse Clubhouse after a brief break with Little Einsteins. Her favorite episode of the moment is when Mickey plays hide and seek with Donald. Lately we catch her walking around the house saying, "ipto, ipto, ipto Gotcha! OOOH! Sorrreee Minnie!"

Remember this picture? Well, we're heading out today with some friends despite what weather.com is saying to try and get another one of these. Wish us luck and check back for pumpkin pictures later!


  1. That all sounds so adorable. Camryn used to walk up to strangers and show them her shoes too. LOL.

    Good luck getting a picture!

  2. People don't think it's as cute when you're 25 and you hold your foot up to them and say 'see'...haters.


Thanks for leaving us some love!