Oh yes, I did just type that cheesy title. If you want to stop reading right now I won't blame you.
This year Riley had a Build a Bear Party for her birthday.
Is it just me or does the idea of our children at B.A.B make anyone else feel really old all of a sudden?
Wasn't it just yesterday Tata and I were in there running the fluffer and kissing our fabric hearts?
Anyway, we considered a slew of shindig options this year. At one point we were trying to choose between a party at our home (nixed because I don't need the extra cleaning in my life), a mani/pedi outing (ousted because 3 of the guests were boys), and an American Girl tea party (see reason #2).
So, how did we choose Build a Bear?
We were at the end of a shopping trip in December. It had been successful (in parenting terms) but, little man was dangerously close to epic meltdown level. We were barreling towards the exit, yards from the turn that would lead to the parking garage when Riley skidded to a halt by my side.
As my eyes focused in on what had caught her attention I inwardly groaned. She wanted to go in "jus to see", but our Cam-bomb was ticking. So I did what any desperate mother would do as the gears in my mind frantically clicked into place. I steered her toward the exit and said, "Not today honey...but how about we have your birthday party there?"
The rest is party history.
Riley made the guest list and we made the decision to make it a drop off party. (
I for one am looking forward to the years of drop off parties and the sooner the better.) Drop off style was a first for us, but no big deal for someone who currently watches toddler hordes 5 days a week.
With the help of the Build a Bear staff TG and I led the cutest crew of 2 and 3 year olds you've ever seen through the steps of making their own stuffed friends.
Our first stop was the choosing wall. The Year of the Dragon friend was the most popular choice. It is so amusing to see what young kids pick given the choice.
Armed with empty shells we moved on to the fluffer machine. Highly technical term I know. All the kids waited so patiently for their turn.
Before we could choose outfits they all carefully "washed" their newly stuffed friends.
After the air bath it was dress up time. Riley chose a satin cocktail dress for her bear, Barbie.
This was the best shot we could get of the party crew and their finished products. Just looking at all their choices makes me giggle. B.A.B was probably glad we helped reduce their inventory of Wizards uniforms. My guess is they can barely give them away. I'm just saying.
After a special parting song and dance for the birthday girl we lined them all up and marched to the food court for chicken nuggets, hamburgers and cupcakes. We were quite the sight leading 7 adorable children and stuffed animals through the crowds.
All of them were so very well behaved and TG provided the entertainment while they ate. He was a big hit and cost way less than a clown.
It was the perfect 4th birthday party and the princess couldn't have been happier.