Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Snuggle Monster

One of my favorite things about Camden and this age is that he loves to snuggle, cuddle and generally be all up on us.

 He will come up to me and TG at different times and say, "Mama, I snuggle you?" or "Daddy, you snuggle me?" Then he climbs on your person and gets himself as comfortable as he can without any concern for our comfort.

We don't mind. I know these days are fleeting so even when he asks me to "put down you con-puter" or "mama be done painting" I oblige. I read a blog post by Ann Voskamp about her 18 year old son yesterday and she said in the post, "You grew up — and I want to go back and I want to go with you, but I can’t do either." I just about cried. So I'm going to snuggle my babies and love on them as long as I can.


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