Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

8 years ago I spent the first birthday with my then boyfriend. I can still remember what a big deal it was to be invited along on the family dinner to celebrate with them. You see it was the first time I had seen him in several months because he and I had a whirlwind summer romance that turned into a very long distance relationship.

That's another story for another blog my friends, but I do know these things. That summer romance became a love story where God blessed me with a man who is beyond amazing in so many ways. He is thoughtful, and funny, he is kind and charming, and most importantly he loves children and they love him. If I had a dollar for everytime that someone told me how lucky I was to have him I'd be exceedingly rich.

Speaking of children that love him, this year he gave me the best gift I could possibly ask for in the form of our free spirited, happy, healthy, beautiful baby girl. If it's possible for anyone to love him more than I do, it's definitely his daughter who is Daddy's girl. So Daddy, Riley and I want to tell you that you're our # 1, we are so thankful for you and that we love you very much.
Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

11 months and a ho ho ho

Happy Christmas Eve everyone! It's a double delight for us since it's Riley's very first Christmas Eve and her 11 month "birthday". We're with Gigi, Papa and Lolo this week to celebrate the holiday and we are most certainly enjoying our very long break from work to spend lots of time with our princess.

At 11 months Miss Riley is...

Walking, very well.
Babbling and communicating with us! She's started pointing to things she wants, mostly food. She also started saying "oh oh" for uh oh and we can get her to mimic us by saying "oh oh oh" for Santa's ho ho ho.
She loves climbing things, although she doesn't so much love toppling off of things.
Sleeping through the night again...pretty consistently.

The princess did develop a cold on Monday so she's slightly under the weather for her first Christmas, but she's not letting it slow her down one bit. She's enjoying the quadruple amounts of space for her to roam here at Gigi and Papa's house and she's gobbling up all the extra attention.

I'll post photos and videos galore when I return but for now this mother of one couldn't remember to pack the downloading cord for her dig cam. What can you do? At least I got the essentials. :)

Merry Christmas Everyone! We love you all!!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Godspeed Little Girl

Sorry followers this post isn't too exciting, no pictures and no funny stories. Nope, this time around it's just a memory that I want to preserve for my R Boo which is why I started this blog in the first place.

She used to let me rock her a bit before nap and bedtime, but she doesn't so much anymore. She's a big girl after all and she just wants me to lay her down in her bed nest of pacis so she can switch them out several times before passing out. Today however she let me rock her a bit which I thoroughly enjoyed, so much so that I didn't want to put her down.

My favorite part of rocking her is singing to her and I always sing the Dixie Chicks song, Godspeed that I've personalized for her. I've made up LOTS of songs for her, but this particular one I have sung since the day she was born almost 11 long months ago. The best part is that as she got a bit older she started to coo along with me, paci in mouth of course, as I sang the song to her. She did that again today and my heart just ached with how very much I love her.

Riley, here's the song that Mommy made up for you and sang for you each night. Love you princess!

Wonder Pets and some Barney on the side
Pirates sail and lost girls fly
Fish bite moonbeams every night
And I love you

Godspeed Riley girl,
Sweet dreams baby girl
All my love will fly to you each night
On angels' wings
Godspeed, sweet dreams

Lucky horse is all tuckered out
Mickey Mouse is in pajamas on the couch
Bedtime bear will find the mouse
And I love you

God bless Mommy and my family that's far
God bless Daddy and thanks for the stars
God hears our amen wherever we are
And I love you

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Why don't you let her walk?

I had a surreal moment today. My little family was at the local grocery store. My adorable hubby was carrying the basket and I was carrying the princess. About halfway through the store I was tuckered from carrying her, even though she was holding perfectly still she's a big girl now and my arms were tired. Hubby looked at me and said, "Why don't you let her walk?"

Truthfully, the thought never occurred to me. Honestly, it never occurred to me because I'm still getting used to the idea of the princess being a big girl. Seriously, she can walk very well now. So I put her down...and watched her toddle her way throughout the store gleefully enjoying her new found independence.

I walked a pace behind to make sure she didn't topple on the hard floor or take out a display, but she didn't need me to. It was then that I realized that she will need me a little less every day and that I'll have to let go a little more every day.

While my arms were most happy for the break, it was a little emotional (it is me after all) and after 10 months of carrying her I didn't quite know what to do with empty arms. Should I fold them across my chest? Should I stick my hands in my pockets? Should I hold them up under my chin ala Ricky Bobby? Luckily, Riley saved me from myself and she grabbed onto my hand as we were leaving and we walked hand in hand out of the store side by side. :)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Not Me Monday!

I'm NOT a broken record, but I think I must sound like one. Is it seriously Monday again? I'm becoming keenly aware what parents mean when they say that their children age in a blink of an eye and before you know it they are 18. I guess the days really do fly by when you're having fun and believe me Riley and I are having fun. To that end, it's time for brutal, gut wrenching honesty again friends and away we go!

I hopefully will NOT fall off schedule with Angie's memorization schedule of Psalm 139. I hope that I will be able to have it memorized in its entirety by January 1 and I hope that I can post it from memory as my first post of 2009 as a reminder of how I want to live my life. Please do visit her blog if you want to join in on the memorizing fun.

I did not purposely set up this photo with the intention of preserving how adorable my little girl's baby fat legs are. I most certainly did not draw her attention to the button in the middle of the flat screen to get her to face away from me like that. No not me, because our flat screen is off limits to a little princess and most certainly is NOT occasionally covered in slimy baby prints.

My baby does not sometimes make such scary faces like this! If I were MckMama this would be a great photo caption contest photo, however I do not have 1 million+ followers like she does. I simply call this "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M ON THE NAUGHTY LIST???"
My grandmother did not send the most beautifully made hand knitted baby booties for my little girl (as she has done for EVERY generation of our family) to have her wear them for one hour before she destroyed the fluffy ball on top! She is not a mini destroyer, and did not yank at all the yarn while riding in her car seat to the grocery store.That's me and my mini me who is not growing by leaps and bounds every second! In the background you can see our Christmas tree and I'm not still pouting (just a little bit) because I wanted a real tree this year. Pouting is for babies and I'm a grown up still a kid at heart who loves the smell of a fresh tree. Lastly, I am NOT sending out our family holiday cards before Christmas because it is my tradition inability to not be able to get those things out on time for 4 years running. I AM just going to go with the flow though and send them out post Christmas and wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year all the same. In fact I AM going to adopt post Christmas mailing as our tradition starting now!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Daddy's Girl 3

What is it about a little girl and their Daddy's shoes? I had a thing for playing with my Daddy's and it seems Riley does too.

The discovery of Daddy's sneakers left unattended.

Maybe he won't mind if I play with just one??

Realizing that she has a captive audience watching her.

Making the cutest getaway that I've ever seen.

Smacky McSmackerton

Riley has a really adorable way of letting us know that she's hungry or wants a bite of whatever we're eating. Just words or a pic wouldn't do the cute factor of it all justice, only a video of our little princess will do! **Make sure you scroll ALL the way to the bottom of the page to stop the Christmas music before you watch, sound is a must for this one!**

Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Superb Saturday

It was bitter cold here today, but we enjoyed the chilly temperatures as an opportunity to spend some time together as a family. These days between swim coaching and work we don't get many chances for all 3 of us to be together for longer than 15 minutes or so. As a matter of fact, for most of the week hubby and I are like ships passing in the night only seeing each other long enough to hand over the princess as the other dashes out the door.

So what did we do with ourselves, besides staying warm???

Riley helped me with the laundry removed all of her clean laundry from the basket several times.

Riley helped me in the kitchen emptied out the pantry several times.

Riley walked...A LOT!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Is it possible to be mocked by a 10 month old??

It's daily bathtime and princess is sitting in a tub full of soothing vapor bubbles (LOVE THESE) surrounded by foam letters, 2 duckies, 1 blue hippo, and one empty shampoo bottle. Daddy is leading bath time tonight and spelling her delightful phrases with her foam letters. She thinks that she is invincible now that she can walk and she wants to stand up in the tub.

Mommy: peeking in the door and lecturing "Riley careful, sit down please"
Riley: looks directly at me "Blah Blah Blah Blah - Oh Mom you worry too much" followed by hysterical laughter.
Daddy: Hysterical laughter "She's mocking you!"
Mommy: 2 minutes later peeking in again from folding her laundry "Okay miss cutie, you're too funny but seriously no standing in the tub!"
Riley: "Ba blah ba blah blah blah! - Silly Mommy I do what I want!" more hysterical laughter

Just fast forward this 16 years....
Mom: Riley, no you may not go out to the movies tonight because you have homework to do and school tomorrow.
Riley: "Silly Mommy I do what I want!" - blah blah blah blah Mom"

Monday, December 8, 2008

A Not Me Monday

When I go to do this post I always find myself surprised that it is Monday again, but in a positive way. I very rarely have a "case of the Mondays" these days! Of course that is partly because I don't even know what day it is, but it's also because I love my morning job and don't mind going and I love my afternoon "job" and can't wait to start it! So here it is again, a Monday and I'm raring and ready to go with my NOT MES! Deep breath, and let the honesty flow....

I did not let my little princess get her first minor injury on my watch. We have carefully proofed our house for anything that might be able to injure her....except for the "night stand" in our room. Sigh, no I didn't let my poor baby get hurt so bad she screamed bloody murder, not me, I'm up for mother of the year, month, day, (okay maybe just the hour) didn't you hear?

I do not have a 10 month old that is walking more than she is crawling these days. How could that be? No not me because my little baby is a sweet tiny newborn needing me less and less everyday big girl.

My Christmas list is NOT still fully intact because that would mean I still have that "W" family gene that means I'm going to be in the mall on Christmas Eve day again.

I do NOT get all teary and choked up whenever I hear Silent Night on the radio and I do not get queasy when I think about how I'm probably going to cry in front of everyone at Christmas Eve service when we sing that song. I am also not getting a little emotional just thinking about that song at this moment.
I have not assembled a Christmas list of ideas for my little girl to then watch her take absolute glee in wrestling with the empty Pampers box last night. I did not contemplate just putting empty boxes under the tree for her because I believe that she will be far more delighted with that than anything we can think of getting her.

I did not consider sending the video of her wrestling the Pampers box in nothing but her shirt and diaper to the advertising people at Pampers to show them that my little girl is far cuter and funnier wrestling their box than the little boy wrestling the teddy bear in their commercial.

Oh wait I did, but I have no idea how to contact the advertising people.

What have you NOT been doing this week? (And no I did NOT just shamelessly try to get you to leave me comments because I secretly get so excited when people comment on my blog.) :)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Walking Video

UPDATE! Facebook lets me embed! YAY! Here's the best clip. I made a video of a couple clips but I'm still working on it. Shes up to 10 independent steps and we're hoping she'll be walking by Christmas! :)

Okay I'm a mom and I can barely remember my name these days much less to NOT turn the camera vertically when I am videotaping her! So the video of her walking is posted on my facebook if you want to see it. Why facebook? It's the only place where I can rotate it vertically so you don't have to tilt your head to watch it.

Not my facebook friend and really want to see it? Leave me a comment and I'll send you the horizontal vid. :)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Since it's Christmas time...

While I love blogging about Riley and all of her achievements, I equally enjoy reading other people's blogs. One of my favorite's is a lady named MckMama, whose blog I found through another favorite of mine, Bring The Rain.

Mckmama is hosting a holiday raffle with a seriously awesome Canon Rebel prize package this Christmas. All you have to do is buy a raffle ticket for $10 and all proceeds go to three amazing charities, String of Pearls, No Hands But Ours, and The Elison Project.

What better time to give to others than Christmas time? You can purchase a ticket for yourself or as a gift for a friend! To purchase a raffle ticket click on the "Rebel (Without) For A Cause" button on the top right hand of my page.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

How many months she have?

Riley went back to the pediatrician for her anemia follow up and her second round of the flu shot today. Good news is that her hemoglobin levels were in the normal range this time and we just have to continue the iron supplements until her 12 month check up. She was a brave little baby and didn't even flinch when they pricked her finger. She was, creepily so, fascinated with her blood though! She kept trying to pull her little finger from the nurse to put it in her mouth and she protested with several "ENHS!" everytime the nurse would pull it back. She was even more so fascinated by the band aid and kept biting it and looking at me with a most quizzical look on her face.

Now on with the real purpose of this post...

Usually I hate waiting in the doctor's office to be called back. I'm always on time and they are NEVER on time which annoys me. However, today it was pretty crowded and there were several other little tots in the "well baby" section where we were sitting to keep Riley entertained. Amongst the crowd were two Hispanic ladies with an adorable little girl. Due to several years of Spanish in high school I could roughly tell what they were talking about and the conversation went like this...

** Riley is cruising and taking a few wobbly steps mixed in with turbo crawling. She notices the little girl and goes next to her at the table and starts banging her hand on it and blabbering as loud as her little voice can go at the little girl who can only stare wide eyed mouth agape***
Lady: Ohhhh...she no walking yet? 18 months is late for no walking.
Me: I'm sorry? (because I was monitoring to make sure Riley didn't start banging her fist on the little girl instead of the table)
Lady: How many months she have, 18 right? She same size as Atiana.
Me: Oh no...She just turned 10 months old. So she's actually starting to walk early.
Lady: Ohhhhh. (nice smile)
Then she turns to her friend and in Spanish, but I'll translate for you... Oh my, only 10 months old! Look at her she's the same size as Atiana. I wonder what she eats. That's a big baby - really only 10 months old? more spanish that I couldn't catch partly because Riley was inching dangerously closer to 18 month old but same size as her Atiana.

Now here's the thing, I don't really like to embarass people, and I could have just acted like I had no idea what they were saying, but come on she was talking about my kid! And even more annoying is that Riley really isn't that big - she is quite tall and she does have the most adorable buddha belly but they were acting like she was a giant! Though I know I shouldn't have, I couldn't let the opportunity to embarass them a little pass me by and the nurse couldn't have had better timing...

Me: Looking right at them pointedly...Oh yes, I know she's big isn't she? Most people assume that she's at least a year old by now...though I very rarely get a guess that she's 18 months old.
Lady: She realizes that I understood at least part of their conversation...Mouth agape and eyes wide open very similar to the way her daughter is still looking at my "giant" of a child.
Nurse: Riley?
Me: That would be us! Hopefully we won't break the scales before you get back there! Nice to meet you!

It's pathetic, but it was one of very few bright moments in my day and as I swooped her up to take her back Riley giggled and I just had to chuckle with her.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Not Me Monday

It's that time again and although I've been neglectful (BUSY OR WITH A SICK BABY) the past few Mondays I couldn't help but join in on the MckMama created fun (therapy) again this week.
I am NOT blogging while my baby sleeps when I should be (you can pick from the list) dusting, vacuuming, washing dishes, doing laundry, doing school work, making dinner, making the bed, putting away laundry, putting away empty Christmas decor boxes, writing out bills, working on our Christmas cards, cleaning the windows, cleaning the bathrooms, cleaning my dogs...
I did NOT miss the 10 month birthday post! Even further, I am NOT in denial that I have a 10 month old that can:
Wave hi and bye almost 100% of the time now, Take about 4-5 steps before collapsing to the floor, Feed herself yogurt with a spoon, Say Dada, but not Mama, Calls me Dada and not Mama, Understand no but not follow it all the time, Stand up all by herself, Say "WO" when she hears the cell phones ring, and Wiggle like the wiggliest worm everytime we try to change her diaper!
I have NOT been procrastinating on Christmas gifts and my list is NOT still completely intact with all the gifts I need to get.
I did NOT send all my friends to Snapfish and still NOT receive my BOOK YET WHEN EVERYONE ELSE I KNOW HAS THEIR BOOKS!!!!
Lastly, my Steelers did NOT ---- oh wait scratch that OH YES THEY DID beat the pants off the Patriots last night! Woohoo! But I did NOT scare my poor baby about 10 times by yelling at the TV...whoops.